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Hidin' On The Shoreline

T/M: E. Waldner 2011


I've been hikin' down the river, heading due north

Hikin' down the river, heading due north

Hikin' down the river, heading due north

Hikin' down the river and so forth

Pitching my tent in the shrubs

Hidin' on the shoreline

Hidin' on the shoreline

Hidin' on the shoreline

Trying to give my humble self a break


I've been spending my time heading forth

Spending my time heading forth

Spending my time heading forth

Spending my time getting off course

Pitching my tent in the shrubs

Hidin' on the shoreline

Hidin' on the shoreline

Hidin' on the shoreline

Trying to give my humble self a break


I've been spending my life walking in circles

Spending my life walking in circles

Spending my life walking in circles

Didn't lose my bearings cos I didn't have any

Pitching my tent in the shrubs

Hidin' on the shoreline

Hidin' on the shoreline

Hidin' on the shoreline

Trying to give my humble self a break




A Minor Affair

Drinking With Deborah

Hidin' On The Shoreline


Metropolitan Decadence

No No No

One In A Million

Out Of Options

Rails Song

Stainless Stil

What's In It For Me?